
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

statistics of Firebase usage
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

User Authentication for Instagram log In or sign Up
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

Instagram User data stored in Cloud Firestore database.
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

and User Post data stored in the database.
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

User Profile and post images stored in FIrebase Storage
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

User Profile and post data stored in Unique generated Id connected to user profile
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

User Experience

Log In Screen
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

SignUp Screen
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

Post Data will be automatic updated in User Feed area. Little Animation is also add. This data is add in realtime

Instagram feed
Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase

posting images in instagram and the images are stored in Firebase storage

Instagram clone built using flutter and Firebase


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