Etiqueta: widget

  • Utility classes/functions to help with UI development using the Flutter

    Aqua Utility classes/functions to help with UI development using the Flutter framework. It is recommended to use the as keyword with the import statement when importing the package to prevent name conflicts, for example… import ‘package:aqua/aqua.dart’ as aqua To log output to file await aqua.log(‘data to log’, logFile: ‘path/to/file’, clear: true, time: true); To save data to device Future<void> save() …

  • A Simple Nutrition Facts App using BLoC Architecture with flutter

    NutritionFacts A new Flutter application using BLOC pattern. 📱 iOS Screenshots List Detail Tech Stack Dart – Dart is a client-optimized programming language for apps on multiple platforms. BLoC Architecture – Its a state management system for Flutter recommended by Google developers. It helps in managing state and make access to data from a central place in your project. RxDart …

  • A complete Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter

    flutter_neumorphic A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter. ⚙️ Installation dependencies: flutter_neumorphic: ^3.0.3 //requires flutter > 1.13.18 The in your .dart files import ‘package:flutter_neumorphic/flutter_neumorphic.dart’; 🗂 Widgets Preview Widget Description Neumorphic The main Neumorphic Widget, a container which adds white/dark gradient depending on a lightsource and a depth NeumorphicButton A neumorphic button that plays with the depth …

  • An UI-only Steam client app built with Flutter

    SteamClient Proto An UI-only Steam client app, for fun. Getting Started This app is built with Flutter (dev branch). It is inspired by Steam mobile app design by Aveg Vanetsyan and the one by George Shishov, although some screens are modified from Steam Chat app, which is decent, by my standard. TODO: Integrating real Steam’s public API into the app, …

  • Allow for asynchronous and synchronous formatting of phone numbers in Flutter

    flutter_libphonenumber A wrapper around libphonenumber with added functionality merged from the following libs: Uses the following native libraries: Platform Library Version Android libphonenumber 8.12.10 iOS PhoneNumberKit 3.2.0 The main advantage to this lib is it lets you optionally format a phone number synchronously without making calls into libphonenumber with platform calls. Getting Started First you need to call …

  • Simple Flutter UI for Mountain App

    Flutter UI – Mountain Simple Flutter UI for Mountain App. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance …

  • A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework

    sliver_tools A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework. Here is a taste what you can make using this package The structure of this app: class Section extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MultiSliver( pushPinnedChildren: true, children: <Widget>[ SliverPersistentHeader( pinned: true, … ), if (!infinite) SliverAnimatedPaintExtent( child: SliverList(…), ) else SliverList(…), ], …

  • Flutter UI Challenges for fun

    flutter_fun Just small ui challenges for Fun. Fun with ImageData IoT Humidity App Slider Design: Result: iPhone’s Today View (IOS 13) GitHub

  • A cross-platform port of ShuttleTracker that utilizes the Flutter SDK

    Flutter ShuttleTracker Flutter ShuttleTracker is a cross-platform port of ShuttleTracker that utilizes the Flutter SDK for development. Features Map page that contains live updates for shuttles, routes, and stops Routes page that allows users to see each route in detail and its associated stops Schedules page that directs users to the schedules for all routes Settings page that allows users …

  • A flutter UI kit developed on top of the contra wireframe kit

    Contra Flutter Kit Flutter application built on top of contra wireframe kit. Thorough this project i will be developing all the screens in flutter and sharing in couple of series post. Kits Contra flutter kit will be having screens developed in all the categories.(Currently only onboarding kit is available) Onboarding Login Forms Menus Dialogs Toast Chat Screens Shopping screens Blogs …

  • Use the easiest way to create a dotted line view with flutter

    fdottedline FDottedLine provides developers with the ability to create dashed lines. It also supports creating a dashed border for a Widget. Support for controlling the thickness, spacing, and corners of the dotted border. ✨ Features Supports dotted lines in both horizontal and vertical directions Support to create dashed shapes Provide super easy way to add dotted border to Widget Support …

  • A basic UI toolkit to get you started with flutter

    Basic UI Toolkit A basic UI toolkit to get you started with flutter application development. Widget List: SchoolToolkitButton: Button with a busy indicator SchoolLocationWidget: Card to display school information OutlinedButton: Button with only outline border with a busy indicator SchoolToolkitTextField: Custom text field SchoolToolkitRoleButton: Animated role selection button OverlappingButtonCard: Overlapping container with a hovering button on the bottom Calendar: Calendar …

  • 40 Beautiful Flutter UI Themes For Developers

    Flutter UI Themes Do you want to save time building your Flutter app? Developing an app from scratch is a costly and time-consuming process, but a Flutter app template is affordable because much of the code is already written for you. Don’t reinvent the wheel by starting with an empty codebase. In this article, we have showcased highly streamlined app …

  • A Nice Flutter Furniture App

    Furniture App – Flutter UI Packages we are using: flutter_svg: link goole_fonts: link Fonts Poppins link We design two pages one is the product page with a search bar at the top then the category list at the end list of products. And another one is the details page provides you more details about the product like price, long description, …