Mes: febrero 2023

  • A flutter material app to keep track of all errands of a community

    Page Boy Material Application Description A flutter material app with realtime firebase backend services to keep track of all errands of a community. Getting Started Dependencies * firebase_core: ^2.4.1 * firebase_auth: ^4.2.5 * cloud_firestore: ^4.3.1 * flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.11.0 Screenshots Help * Refer above for advised dependency versions. GitHub View Github

  • Flutter app to learn about localization and internationalization

    Hi, I’m NASEER! 👋 Flutter- Localization and Internationalizatio Flutter localization and internationalization (i18n) is the process of adapting an app to different languages and locales. This involves translating text, formatting numbers and dates, and adapting the app’s layout to better suit the target language. The Flutter framework provides support for internationalization through the flutter_localizations package and the intl package and …

  • A cross platform flutter app for browsing, saving and editing online documents

    A cross platform flutter app for browsing, saving and editing online documents, including server, powered by onlyoffice. Also a convenient tool to set up a personal cloud-document space. Server setup Docker preparation Setup onlyoffice documentserver: docker pull onlyoffice/documentserver and docker run -it -p 8990:80 onlyoffice/documentserver. More details could be found at documentserver. Using onlyoffice/documentserver:latest-arm64 if your machine is arm64 linux. …

  • A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button

    FAB Circular Menu A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button. Inspired by Mayur Kshirsagar‘s great FAB Microinteraction design. Installation Just add fab_circular_menu to your pubspec.yml file. dependencies: fab_circular_menu: ^1.0.0 Example class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: Placeholder(), floatingActionButton: FabCircularMenu( children: <Widget>[ IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.home), onPressed: …

  • A simple app that tracks the price of cryptocurrencies

    Crypto Price Tracker App – Flutter This is a simple app that tracks the price of cryptocurrencies. It uses the CoinPaprika API to fetch the data. The app is built using Flutter and Dart. Quick Demo Video Demo 20230205_213852.mp4 Need Help? If you need help in setting up the project or have any questions, feel free to reach out to …

  • Bloomina Flowers UI Design with Flutter

    Bloomina Flowers UI Design with Flutter This project showcases a beautiful UI design for a flowers application using the Flutter framework. The project demonstrates the use of various Flutter widgets and tools to create an appealing and functional design for an app that displays information about different flowers. Screenshots Getting Started To run this project, you will need to have …

  • A simple Flutter app to manage expenses

    🧾🪙 Flutter Expense Management App A simple Flutter app to manage expenses. A pet project to improve skills and learn new features. I had several technical task: ⚡ UI: Figma template ⚡ Tasks Due to given UI kit create prototype describing all features. Add translations (ukr, eng) Authentication should be on user’s device with the usage of biometrics if …

  • Animated Menu for Flutter Apps

    Animated Menu Use AnimatedMenu to create a menu with/without animation. You can use FadeIn or SlideIn animation to show the menu, You can use any Widget inside AnimatedMenu as a menu item. Installation Add animated_menu: ^1.0.0 in your project’s pubspec.yaml: dependencies: animated_menu: ^1.0.0 Usage Import animated_menu in your dart file: import ‘package:animated_menu/animated_menu.dart’; Then use showAnimatedMenu in your function: onTapDown: (details) …

  • Food Sweet App with Flutter

    Food-Sweet App Prints How to use To clone and run this application, you’ll need Git and Flutter installed on your computer. From your command line: # Clone this repository $ git clone # Go into the repository $ cd Food-Sweet # Install dependencies $ flutter packages get # Run the app $ flutter run GitHub View Github

  • Yet Another Tetris Clone, made with Flutter and Flame-Engine

    YaTriX Yet Another Tetris Clone, made with Flutter and Flame-Engine. Getting Started Have an installation of Flutter version 3.3.x or later Clone this repo. flutter pub get Run in Chrome: flutter run -d Chrome Build for deployment: flutter build web Deploy to web server: copy contents of folder build/web: A tiny teaser Running the game in a local browser Online …

  • Cash King Application with Flutter

    AppDay Cash King Preview & Features Application Preview FEATURES ✅ Create project structure using get-cli. ✅ Flutter Used to Implement this App. ✅ UI and Business Logics should be separated. ✅ App should work on both IOS and Android. How to Run App Instructions For iOS (in Mac) Connection to physical iPhone device OR Run any sample project in xcode. …

  • Fighting game developed in flutter and flame

    💻 About the project 🌥️ JobPortal – Fighting game developed using flutter and Flame ⚙️ Functionalities Start Menu Move Character Attack Deffend Attack kunai Animations 🎨 Layout The application layout is available in Figma: [LOADING] 🛠 Technologies The following tools were used in building the project: Flutter Dart Flame Git VisualStudioCode 🦸 Autor 📝 Licença Este projeto esta sobe a …