
An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

TraveLog is an travel app with responsive and aesthetic UI which suggest you diffrent holiday location accross the globe along with ratings price.The implementation of the app is done on Flutter and state mangement done with Cubit and Bloc.RestFul webservices to load data from server.

File Structure

Clean file format.
An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

Welcome Screen

Scrollable Welcome screen

An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

Home screen

Home Page with Bottom Navigation bar and Custome sliders.

An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

Details Page

Details page shows the compleat information of the place with price and rating and a short discription.

An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review

An traveling app which will suggest you vacation spots with price and review


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