Etiqueta: dart

  • A simple game known as Tic Tac Toe developed with Flutter and Dart

    tic_tac_toe A new Flutter project. Game Restarted : Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile …

  • A flutter app to connect you and your friends and others

    appx a software to connect you and your friends and others, are you guys also just tensed over the overuse of social media so we have a solution, appx (name not decided yet) Getting Started hey everybody this is a opensource application to protect you guys from the dominance of big tech giants this applications motive is to help you …

  • A flutter app helps to keep track of what money is spent in order to help save

    HaslTy This application helps to keep track of what money is spent in order to help save. Tools State management (BLoC). Local database (sqflite package). Localization & date formatting & Number formatting (intl). Store and retrieve persistence data easily (shared preferences). Show splash screen (flutter native splash). Using Svg assets. Using font awesome to show icons e.g. google, linkedin, github …

  • A Flutter project that can be handy for burger joints

    Burger App🍔🍔 A Flutter project that can be handy for burger joints. It allows customer to view available burger options and place order Inspired By 💡💡 Screenshots 📱📱 Homescreen Product Detail Screen Account Screen Current Features 🏷️🏷️ Bloc implementaion of Bottom Navigation Bar Beautiful Designs Upcomming Features 🏷️🏷️ Product Cart using Bloc pattern along side Faker Clean Bloc Architecture …

  • Genova PS application developed in Flutter

    Genova PS Applicazione mobile multipiattaforma sviluppata in Flutter e Dart che permette di visionare i dati relativi al carico di pazienti presenti nei pronto soccorso degli ospedali dell’area metropolitana di Genova. Il backend è stato realizzato in PHP, ma per motivi di licenza/permessi non è disponbibile Anteprima Licenza Il progetto viene rilasciato con licenza MIT GitHub View Github

  • Mobcar Application Developed In Flutter

    MOBCAR MOBCAR é um aplicativo desenvolvido em FLUTTER Aplicação que permite você criar, listar, editar e deletar carros. O cadastro dos veículos é feito com dados consultados na FIPE API HTTP REST(, contendo uma lista de marcas, modelos conforme as marcas, anos disponíveis por modelo e o valor segundo a tabela FIPE. Instalação | Execução Clone esse repositório rodando o …

  • Native applications that are built with a specific programming language for a particular platform

    JAWABAN UAS 1.Aplikasi native adalah aplikasi yang dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman yang spesifik untuk platform tertentu. Contoh populernya yakni penggunaan bahasa pemrograman Objective-C atau Swift untuk platform iOS (Apple). Adapun platform Android yang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java. Aplikasi hybrid adalah aplikasi web yang ditransformasikan menjadi kode native pada platform seperti iOS atau Android. Aplikasi hybrid biasanya menggunakan browser untuk mengijinkan …

  • A New Flutter App Project To Manage Tasks

    A new Flutter app project to manage tasks. Getting Started A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. Installation Install & setup …

  • News App Built With Flutter

    Installation flutter pub get Usage flutter run Learn Created & Maintained By Vivek_punar You can also nominate me for Github Star developer program License Copyright 2021 Vivek Punnad GitHub View Github

  • Open source password generator app using flutter for Android and iOS

    Parole is an open-source, free, and cross-platform service that is intended to make people secure on the internet ecosystem. Parole excels to build up an internet community safer everywhere and every single moment. Parole is a password generator tool available on Android, Web browsers, and Windows desktops. Parole is backed by an individual Shivam Yadav. This means parole is not …

  • Utility Manager Flutter Application which allows user to add task, set remainder to the task, set color to separate tasks

    Utility Manager Flutter Application! Utility Manager Flutter Application is made with Flutter and Supabase which allows user to add task, set remainder to the task, set color to separate tasks and it allows to add URL with URL’s informations. Usage of Supabase ❣️ in this app Supabase Auth Supabase Storage Supabase Database Supabase Realtime Used API’s Utility Manager Flutter Application …

  • NuConta Marketplace For Flutter

    NuConta Marketplace telegram-cloud-document-1-5136388785566646724.mp4 Layout based in this drible project A Flutter project made using: Clean Dart that follows all the Clean Architecture guidelines: Flutter Tiple pattern for state management: Flutter Modular for dependency injection and routes: About the modules This project has been developed using module structure, to allow the separation of each module in packages, facilitating the maintenance end …

  • in Cafe Mobile Ordering Application with flutter

    in-Cafe-Mobile-Ordering-Application Kafe/Restoran İçi Mobil Sipariş Uygulaması KULLANICI ARAYÜZÜ Giriş Ekranı Kategori, Ürün ve Ürün Detay Ekranları Sepet Ekranı Ödeme Seçenekleri Ekranı Yan Menü ve Artırılmış Gerçeklik Ekranı Hamburger Artırılmı¸s Gerçeklik Ekranı YÖNETİCİ ARAYÜZÜ Yönetici Giri¸s Ekranı ve Yönetici ˙I¸slemleri Ekranı Masalar Ekranı Sipariş Detay Ekranı Kategori Ekleme Ekranı Ürün Ekleme Ekranı Ürün ve Kategori Listeleme Ekleme QR Kod Oluşturma ve …

  • Sample Data Read For Flutter App

    debo_eyu A new Flutter project. Any one who want to contact me, use my email or on my telegram account using @LindaAug1 let’s see the output of this app after getting to the app Categories page Theme page More page ![Screenshot_20210927-122259](https://user-images.githubuserc![Screenshot_20211002-161123]( View page Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources …