Mes: marzo 2023

  • A Simple News App Ui Using Flutter

    NewsApp-UIkit-Flutter This is a simple news app ui based on figma design Setup Project Step 01: run flutter pub get Step 02: flutter packages pub run build_runner build –delete-conflicting-outputs Step 03: flutter pub run Figma link Demo image License Kavindu Dissanayake GitHub

  • Marvel App Using Clean Arch and Bloc

    marvel_app Flutter 3.7.6 stable Akshar Font Design Specs Clean Arch SOLID BloC Modular Unit Tests Packages cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 multiple_result: ^4.0.0 flutter_modular: ^5.0.3 equatable: ^2.0.5 bloc: ^8.1.1 flutter_bloc: ^8.1.2 flutter_svg: ^2.0.2 intl: ^0.18.0 GitHub View Github

  • Invidious client for android

    Clipious Android client application for invidious, the privacy focused youtube front end Features Use own or public server Subscription management SponsorBlock Video view/progress tracking user playlists background playback Live stream support Installation The best way to install is to get it directly from the release page. Using Obtainium can help keeping the app up to date. It is also available …

  • Cycling Application developped in Flutter

    RideOn – Bike App Overview RideOn is a mobile application that allows users to discover and explore bike routes in Switzerland. The application includes two roles: Admin and User. The admin can create new bike routes, manage existing routes, and handle problems on the road that users notify. The user can start a biking tour on one of the routes …

  • Tic Tac Toe Game App using Flutter

    TicTacToe Getting Started To get started with this project, follow these steps: 1.Clone this repository to your local machine. 2.Open the project folder in your preferred code editor. 3.Make sure you have the latest version of Flutter and the necessary dependencies installed. 4.Run the app on your local device or emulator by typing the following command in your terminal Usage …

  • Flutter + Jackpot Application that uses the Getx package

    FLUTTERPOT [if you want to try just download apk on folder ‘download’] Flutter + Jackpot Application that uses the Getx package, with dependency injection and API calls, in the example the following api was used: It has the ability to show all the results of the available options and when there will be a new game GitHub View Github

  • Platform specific app version comparator between store and local

    VersionComparator Simple, Enjoyable & Customizable Comparator A Flutter package for compare app version between store and local version. 🚀 Compare app version with all stores. (PlayStore, AppStore, AppGallery and Custom) ⚡ Customizable & Manageable ❤️ Simple, powerful, & manageable structure 🔒 Changeable error & info messages with yours. 🎈 Display AlertDialog or custom widgets when compare versions. App Version Compare …

  • A flutter app, which scans any barcode and tells you their suitability

    PickyPal Welcome to the PickyPal GitHub repo! PickyPal is a convenient and easy-to-use food scanning app that allows you to scan any barcode and instantly see if the product is suitable for your dietary needs. Whether you have allergies to gluten, nuts, soy, or lactose, or you follow a vegetarian, vegan, or palm-oil-free diet, PickyPal has got you covered. Screenshots …

  • An Application for the History of Indonesian Heroes with Flutter

    sejarah_pahlawan Tutorial Build with Android Studio Tutorial Build with Step by Step **If you use the Source Code, please make sure to credit and backlink to Azhar Rivaldi 👇 Click For Support Me : 📄 License Copyright (C) Azhar Rivaldi Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the «License»); you may not use this file except in compliance …