Social Wall -Flutter

The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart

This is the Social Wall-the Social Media App made with flutter and Dart.

The Users can register and login.
The Users can Post on the wall which will be visible to other logged in users.
The other users can like and comment on the wall posts.


Demo Images

The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart
The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart
The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart
The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart


Contributions are always welcome!

If you want to contribute to this Project.
Just Fork this repository and make a pull request after changes.

Setup the firebase.

Add the google-services.json file in your android/app/ directory

Additions for Contribution

1)Add the option to delete the posts.

2)Add the option to post the image on wall with captions.

3)Fetch the wall posts to profile section under My Posts.


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