Hi 👋, I’m Meet bhayani

A passionate Flutter Developer from India

🗒 About

  • This is a simple app that display your written thoughts with current date-time.

⚙️ Features

  • Advance UI
  • Light and Dark theme
  • Neumorphic design
  • GetX State Management
  • Google Ad Integration
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Shared Preferences to store data in local storage
  • Local notification
  • Digital clock in UI
  • App With splash Screen and Intro Screen
  • Add your thought with current date-time
  • See all your thoughts list

🧑‍💻 Languages and Tools:

  • Dart
  • Flutter

A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time

📲 Video


📲 Screenshots

A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time
A Flutter app that display your written thoughts with current date-time

🧑‍💻 License:

  • All of my projects are available at Meet bhayani
  • This project is MIT Licensed.

Made with ❤️ in India.

You can show some respect by starring 🌟 the repository!


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