AI Translator

This is a Translator App Which is Build using Flutter, Speech To Text, Google ML Kit, Google Translator and Text To Speech.


The app provides 3 modes of translation.

  • Image To Text provides Image Recognition which converts text in image into text so that user can copy that text and this app translate that text to your known language and read it.
  • Direct Mode provides quick and easy translation, much like simple translators.
  • Voice To Text provides Speech to text Feature which converts users voice to text and then translate that text to your known language.


  • Supports accessibility features like Image-to-text Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
  • Helpful tool to learn new languages, travel and translate on the go

Build With


Cloning this repository

  $ git clone

Installing dependencies

flutter pub get

With all dependencies installed you can run the app

flutter run


View Github

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