Autor: atomicflavor

  • Flutter app for short-term rain forecasts with MAPLE nowcasting

    MAPLE Nowcasting This repository contains a Flutter app for Android and iOS that facilitates access to precipitation nowcasting data provided by McGill University’s J.S. Marshall Radar Observatory. Screenshots What is Nowcasting Put simply, nowcasting is a practice which aims to accurately extrapolate very-near-future data using past trends. In meteorology, nowcasting algorithms have been developed to predict rainfall 2-6 hours in …

  • A GUI for the Neutrino neural singing synthesizer with Flutter

    Muon A GUI for the Neutrino neural singing synthesizer, written in Flutter (and uses synaps!). Eyecandy / screenshots Eye-burning Light mode Dark mode Features Seamless romaji -> hiragana voice editing Multiple voices rendered in parallel Undo/Redo Actions Menu Automatic voice model listing and on-the-fly changing MIDI/MusicXML import Building Building Steps: Clone this repository somewhere flutter pub get -> gets all …

  • A movies application made with Flutter / Dart

    Flutter Movies Application A movies application that connects to the TMDB Log . Get trending and newly released movies with in-depth details. Screenshots On Load Navigation Toggle Theme Toggle Drawer Refresh Toggle Search Search Error Search No Results Search Success To Movie Screen From Movie Screen Favorites Email LinkedIn Source Features [x] When the app is loaded, trending movies and …

  • A self-hosted controller for mobile built using the Flutter

    LunaSea LunaSea is a fully featured, open source self-hosted controller! Focused on giving you a seamless experience between all of your self-hosted media software, LunaSea supports: Lidarr Radarr Sonarr NZBGet SABnzbd Newznab Indexer Searching NZBHydra2 Tautulli Wake on LAN LunaSea even comes with support for multiple instances of applications using profiles, backing up and restoring your configuration to your filesystem, …

  • A simple Flutter app that fetches data from a WordPress blog

    WordPress Blog App A simple Flutter Blog Application, which fetches data from, which is a blog, using the blog api. Still working on it and new features will be added soon. Plugin’s Used Http Html (To remove html formats from text) Intl (Date formater) Provider (Manage State) Hive Auto Size Text Pull to Refresh Shimmer Cached Network Image (To …

  • A beautiful and cute app for pet adoption made with Flutter

    PetApp An (Sample)app that allows users to donate their pets and adopt others pets. This app’s design was taken from Dribbble and I followed a tutorial by The Growing Developer on YouTube to complete this app. The app currently has two full screens and a side-drawer. The most fascinating thing about the app is it’s unique side-drawer that makes the …

  • Pangolin Desktop UI shell designed for dahliaOS in Flutter

    Pangolin Desktop UI Pangolin Desktop UI shell, designed for dahliaOS, written in Flutter. Pangolin UI is a Desktop shell for dahliaOS, written in Flutter, runs on Linux and Zircon Pangolin was named after a shelled animal like the Armadillo UI Pangolin Desktop is based on the deprecated Capybara shell, with a custom window management system built from the ground up …

  • Pet Finder App with Flutter + Firebase + Hasura

    Pet Finder Pet project with Flutter + Firebase + Hasura. How to Start $ flutter packages pub run build_runner build –delete-conflicting-outputs for VSCode Apollo GraphQL $ npm install -g apollo create ./apollo.config.js module.exports = { client: { includes: [‘./lib/**/*.dart’], service: { name: ‘<project name>’, url: ‘<graphql endpoint>’, // optional headers headers: { ‘x-hasura-admin-secret’: ‘<secret>’, ‘x-hasura-role’: ‘user’, }, // optional disable …

  • Easy-to-use libsodium crypto library with flutter

    flutter_sodium With flutter_sodium you get access to the modern, easy-to-use libsodium crypto library in your Flutter apps. One set of crypto APIs supporting both Android and iOS. Getting Started In your flutter project add the dependency: dependencies: … flutter_sodium: ^0.1.6 Import the plugin and initialize it. Sodium.init() initializes the plugin and should be called before any other function provided by …

  • Input fields for Flutter standalone or within a form

    flutter_input This package provides input widgets (fields) to manipulate data. The data to manipulate is either a single variable or an entry in a map. The map can even be nested. Parameter path defines the key to access the entry in the map. To access an entry in a nested map, the keys must be separated by a single slash …

  • Utility classes/functions to help with UI development using the Flutter

    Aqua Utility classes/functions to help with UI development using the Flutter framework. It is recommended to use the as keyword with the import statement when importing the package to prevent name conflicts, for example… import ‘package:aqua/aqua.dart’ as aqua To log output to file await aqua.log(‘data to log’, logFile: ‘path/to/file’, clear: true, time: true); To save data to device Future<void> save() …

  • A Simple Nutrition Facts App using BLoC Architecture with flutter

    NutritionFacts A new Flutter application using BLOC pattern. 📱 iOS Screenshots List Detail Tech Stack Dart – Dart is a client-optimized programming language for apps on multiple platforms. BLoC Architecture – Its a state management system for Flutter recommended by Google developers. It helps in managing state and make access to data from a central place in your project. RxDart …

  • A simple notes app written in Dart using Flutter

    Notes A simple notes app written in Dart using Flutter framework. Compilation To compile this app, simply clone the repo and run the following command: flutter build <package-type> –target-platform <platform> –split-per-abi Package types can be : apk or aab Platforms can be : As supported by Flutter for e.g. android-arm, android-arm64 etc. If no platform is specified, flutter will default …

  • A flutter mobile app utilizing firebase

    Yaanyo Real time chat and shopping checklist made with flutter utilizing Firebase and Cloud Firestore as backend. Features Real time chat with family and friends. Catagorize shopping tasks by colored grids. Easily add tasks to shopping list on the go. Packages used Provider Firebase Core Firebase Auth Cloud Firestore Flutter SVG Get_It Flutter Material Color Picker Overview of how it …

  • A Fediverse client for micro-blogging instances written in Flutter/Dart

    kaiteki Currently Kaiteki has simple Mastodon/Pleroma and Misskey support, future backends could follow. I’m happy about any feedback or contribution you have. Screenshots Welcome page Login page Feed of a Pleroma instance Feed of a Misskey instance About page Download and use Kaiteki If you want to try out Kaiteki, there are automatic releases available for use. Please still note, …

  • A Donation/Charity App made with Flutter

    GIVE MORE Give More is Donation/Charity App which is made in Flutter. ★ Developed Android Application Using Flutter ★ which can use for to Give donation with net banking and cards etc. ★ User can see location of donation centers in map and App is implemented For Donating 6 Various needs like Education,food etc. GitHub

  • A Dev Feed News App with flutter

    Dev Feed Dev Feed is a Flutter-based mobile application allowing to keep up with top engineering content from companies all over the world. It stemmed from my own needs to not only follow a curated list of tech-related blogs, but also play a little bit with the excellent Flutter SDK. View Demo View Github Building and running Clone the repo …

  • A simple Gif Finder made with Flutter

    Gif Finder A Gif Finder made with Flutter and API from GIPHY. With this application you can see gifs that are hot on Giphy, being able to share them on your social networks or via link. It was developed using the Giphy API. How to Use 🤔 – Clone this repository: $ git clone Gif-Finder – Enter in directory: …