Cambodia Geography
Discover places & geography around Cambodia.
Getting Started
In this project, we use flutter 2.2.3. If you have different version, you should consider install FVM.
fvm flutter pub get
fvm flutter run
Built with
- Flutter 2.2.3 – The framework used
- Dart – The language used
Data use
- Cambodia Geography API – By our backend team.
- – A website that inspired us to do this project.
Code generation
Model generations with JSON Serialization
We uses Json Serializable [ ] package build tool to generate model from Json to Class object. In case you want to add more fields model or even change the model data type, you need to run the command:
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Assets generations with flutter_gen
We also use flutter_gen which is the Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — to Get rid of all String-based APIs.
Installation: []
Generate new assets:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Assets.images.profile.image();
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