Flutter Version Management: A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions.
Why not use Flutter Channels?
If all you want is to use the latest stable version or a specific channel once in a while, you should be using Flutter Channels.
This tool allows you similar functionality to Channels; however it caches those versions locally, so you don’t have to wait for a full setup every time you want to switch versions.
Also, it allows you to grab versions by a specific tag, i.e. 1.2.0. In case you have projects in different Flutter SDK versions and do not want to upgrade.
Easiest way NPM & Yarn
This is a very simple way to get started with fvm.
npm install -g fvm
# or
yarn global add fvm
# and
fvm stable
Binary installation
Download a
compatible binary for your system. For convenience, place fvm
in a
directory where you can access it from the command line. Usually this is/usr/local/bin
For more detailed instructions check out Installation
Via Go
If you want, you can also get fvm
via Go:
$ go get -u github.com/leoafarias/fvm
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/leoafarias/fvm
$ go install .
Installing and Activating Releases/Channels
Use fvm <version>
to install and activate a version of Flutter.
$ fvm 1.2.1
$ fvm 0.11.13
$ fvm stable
$ fvm beta
If <version>
has already been installed, fvm
will activate it from cache without having to download and set up again.
Lists all currently installed versions
$ fvm
> v0.11.13
Use fvm <channel>
to install and activate a particular Flutter channel.
User or install the latest stable
$ fvm stable
User or install the latest beta
$ fvm beta
User or install the latest fully-tested build
$ fvm dev
User or intall the latest cutting edge build
$ fvm master
See all available releases for download
$ fvm releases
Removing versions
Removes a specific version
$ fvm remove <version>
Removes all Flutter versions except the active one
$ fvm shake
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