Etiqueta: flutter

  • A Real Estate App with Flutter

    PropHunter – A Real Estate App Download App Android Screenshots HomePage Search and Filter Options Property Details and Pdf Features Firebase Integration Statemangement Using Provider MVVM Architecture Map Intergration Responsive Design Code Resuiblity Connected to Admin App Searching and Filter Error Handling and Analytics Used Pdf package to download boucher Directory Structure lib: | constant.dart | custom_animation.dart | main.dart | …

  • An Android application that helps you track your medication intake and menstrual cycle

    MedWell MedWell is an Android application that helps you track your medication intake and menstrual cycle. With MedWell, you can easily keep track of your medications, set reminders for taking them, and monitor your menstrual cycle for a better understanding of your health. Features Medication Tracking: Keep a record of all your medications, including the name, dosage, frequency, and any …

  • An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff

    Citrus Canker Detection Canker disease detection using deep learning Model Inception V3. Version of dart-sdk I used to make this project : Dart SDK version: 3.0.3 (stable) (Wed May 31 15:35:05 2023 +0000) on “windows_x64” **Folders Included: ** lib (folder) assets (folder) pubsec.yaml (file) How to run To run the project in your Windows PC Create a new emptly flutter …

  • Smart Home App built with Flutter

    Smart Home App Create by Zillur Rahman Description This is Smart Home App UI Design. Dependencies – cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 – persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2: ^4.2.8 – fl_chart: – another_xlider: ^3.0.1 – animated_toggle_switch: – get: – google_fonts: – flutter_svg: – eva_icons_flutter: Usage Homr Page. Details Page. Smart Home Page. Usage Page. Prifile Page. Smart Home Apps Picture Apps Video 20230615-024102-240×532.mp4 GitHub View Github

  • Random Cat Facts App built with Flutter

    Random Cat Facts App Este repositório contém um aplicativo simples que exibe fatos aleatórios sobre gatos. Se você é um amante de felinos, este é o aplicativo perfeito para aprender fatos interessantes e divertidos sobre esses adoráveis animais. Tecnologia Flutter Plataformas Android IOS Funcionalidades Exibe fatos aleatórios sobre gatos a cada vez que o usuário atualiza a tela. Interface simples …

  • The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart

    Social Wall -Flutter This is the Social Wall-the Social Media App made with flutter and Dart. The Users can register and login. The Users can Post on the wall which will be visible to other logged in users. The other users can like and comment on the wall posts. Demo Demo Images Contributing Contributions are always welcome! If you want …

  • A Simple application with image searching functionality

    Image Finder Simple application with image searching functionality (Pixabay API). Installation Navigate to your project folder and run flutter pub get Architecture project models – Folder that includes all data models. service – Includes all api requests. widgets – This directory contains all the basic building blocks for your app. For example a button or a headline widget. GitHub View …

  • An app designed to help freelancers and business owners effectively manage their projects

    TrackFolio TrackFolio is a real-time software application designed to help freelancers and business owners effectively manage their projects, clients, tasks, and team members for better company growth. Our motivation originated from recognizing a market void in which the present CRM applications fail to cater to the specific requirements of small business owners and freelancers. These apps are typically developed for …

  • A Food Ordering App using SQL Database & Getx

    Food Ordering App Made by Arshit Vadsak 🗒 About This is an app from which you can order food, fruits, vegetables etc using SQL Database & Getx. ⚙️ Features Main features are as follows: Splash Page Order Food Add to cart functionality Like Food functionality Use SQL Database & Getx 📲 Preview You can show some respect by starring …

  • A software designed to facilitate users in reading, memorizing, and studying the Quran

    Qur’anku App The Qur’anku App is a software designed to facilitate users in reading, memorizing, and studying the Quran, the holy book of Islam. This application is available on mobile platforms such as smartphones Installation Install quran with flutter git clone cd quranku flutter pub get flutter run 🔗 API Information API Used: Screenshots Authors @taufiq-azr If …

  • A Flutter application that helps you track your expenses and manage category budgets

    FinTracker – Expense Tracker App FinTracker is a Flutter application that helps you track your expenses and manage category budgets. It provides a user-friendly interface to enter and categorize your expenses, giving you insights into your spending habits and helping you stay within your budget. Features Track and record your expenses conveniently. Categorize your expenses into different categories. Set monthly …

  • A Chess Flutter App with all the rules set up

    Chess Flutter App Welcome to our Chess Flutter App repository! This project is a fully functional chess game, developed using Flutter. It allows you to play a classic game of chess on your device with an easy-to-use and aesthetically pleasing interface. Overview Our chess game offers a smooth and immersive gameplay experience. It contains all the rules and functionalities of …

  • AI based smart irrigation App with Flutter

    Agri Madad Agri Madad is an agriculture app that aims to assist farmers in addressing irrigation issues. To predict the minimum water depth in centimeters required for crop survival, the app employs a random forest algorithm that uses real-time field data such as humidity, temperature, and soil moisture gathered from a node MCU. The app provides an authentication system and …

  • A food cashier app developed using Flutter

    Aplikasi Kasir Makanan dengan Flutter Mobile Repositori ini berisi kode sumber untuk aplikasi kasir makanan yang dikembangkan menggunakan teknologi Flutter Mobile. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk membantu pemilik bisnis makanan dalam mengelola proses transaksi dan pembayaran dengan lebih efisien. Fitur Utama Manajemen Menu: Pengelolaan daftar menu makanan dan minuman yang ditawarkan oleh bisnis. Pembayaran dan Faktur: Menerima pembayaran dan pembuatan faktur …

  • A Flutter Grocery Shop App UI For Client Wise Customisation

    Flutter Grocery App UI Flutter Version Used : 1.22.4 Desing Credit : By Sharvaya Infotech Screens Splash Screen Welcome Screen Home Screen(Shop) Product Details Screen Categories Screen (Explore) Products Screen (After clicking any category) Filter Screen My Cart Screen Checkout Bottom Sheet Order Failed Dialog Order Accepted Screen Profile Screen GitHub View Github

  • Production-ready app template based on Flutter and Rust

    🆎 About This Template This flutter-rust-app-template provides instant capabilities to developers who want to embrace the power of Flutter and Rust together. Simply duplicate the template repo and you’re ready to go! This template is primarily built using the flutter_rust_bridge library. It also incorporates several popular packages and modifications into the default Flutter template, ensuring optimal development process. It has …