
An app that aids competitive Scrabble players to search, learn and review word lists

Update 09/05/2023


  • Search for words in the Scrabble dictionary using pattern match, anagram match, probability order and include match.
  • Add words to the favorite list that can be reviewed in the home page.
  • Review words based on famous beginner-friendly lists from the review section
  • Supports both NWL20 and CSW21 lexicons
  • Change theme color of the application to suit your appeal

An app that aids competitive Scrabble players to search, learn and review word lists

An app that aids competitive Scrabble players to search, learn and review word lists

An app that aids competitive Scrabble players to search, learn and review word lists

An app that aids competitive Scrabble players to search, learn and review word lists

Running the app locally

  • execute “flutter pub add” in the main directory.
  • execute “flutter run” in the main directory.


View Github

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