Etiqueta: dart

  • A jigsaw puzzle game using Flutter and Flame

    Real Jigsaw Puzzle Real Puzzle is a jigsaw puzzle game powered by Flutter and Flame. App can run on Android iOS and Web … Play in Browser Donwload Apk License Photos provided by Pexels Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. GitHub View Github

  • A simple X O game built with Flutter

    X O Flutter App A simple X O game built with Flutter. Introduction A simple Flutter application for playing X O. The app allows users to play against each other or Single-player mode. Features Two-player mode (Player X vs. Player O) Single-player mode Score tracking Clean and responsive UI Screenshots Project Structure The project follows a modular structure for better …

  • Open Augmentative and Alternative Communication App built using Flutter

    Open Augmentative and Alternative Communication App AI can be used to help people communicate! This project uses OpenAI Vector embeddings to translate a user’s text/speech into easy to understand AAC symbols. The OpenAAC app uses OpenAI to match symbols to text to convert natural language to AAC pictograms. Update: If there isn’t a high match from the Vector DB, OpenAAC …

  • A food ordering and delivery application built with flutter

    Food Delivery App This is a food ordering & delivery application built with a flutter framework and firebase real-time database. Anyone can use this code for their own purpose. If you are interested please make your contribution to the code. Application features Simple UI for food delivery app’s Use SQLite to store order data in a local database Used firebase …

  • Innovative Flutter app with TensorFlowLite for real-time mask

    Flutter World Introduction Flutter World is an application that serves as a miniature world of Flutter, encompassing cutting-edge features such as a mask detector, fruit detector, and face detector, all powered by TensorFlow Lite for accurate real-time detection. It seamlessly integrates API connectivity, a to-do list with a SQLite database, and advanced functionalities like animations, TextToSpeech, and SpeechToText conversion. The …

  • A plant showing and selling App using Flutter

    Flutter Plant App 🌿📱 A Flutter app for plant enthusiasts to explore, identify, and manage their plant collections. Features Plant Exploration Plant Catalog 🌱: Explore a rich catalog of various plants with detailed information. Plant Identification 🌺: Utilize features for plant identification using photos or descriptions. User-Facing Features Personal Plant Collection 📚: Create and manage your personal collection of plants. …

  • Holy Quran App built with Flutter

    Hafiz Flutter App 🚀 Embark on a Flutter Journey with Holy Quran App 📖 Dive into the world of Flutter with our Hafiz app – a meticulously crafted learning journey that encapsulates essential Flutter concepts. 🌟 🛠 Tech Stack Highlights: Clean Architecture: We’ve architectured the app for clarity, separation of concerns, and maintainability. Clean code is at the heart of …

  • A Food App with Flutter and Firebase, Firestore /Auth

    In Development [👀🔄 70% ]. Nibbles – Flutter Food App 🍔🍕🍰 Nibbles is a Flutter-based food app designed to provide users with a delightful and user-friendly experience as they explore a variety of meals and food packages. The app utilizes the Bloc pattern and Cubits for efficient state management, integrates Firebase Firestore for real-time data storage, and incorporates various plugins …

  • A Neumorphism UI Tesla app that incorporates beautiful animations

    Cybertruck App Description This is a Neumorphism UI Tesla app that incorporates beautiful animations using the animate_do package, Neumorphic UI elements using the flutter_neumorphic_plus package, stunning charts with the syncfusion_flutter_gauges package, and smooth page transitions facilitated by the page_transition package. Screenshots Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Video Demo Technologies Used animate_do flutter_neumorphic_plus syncfusion_flutter_gauges page_transition Animations and UI Design This …

  • AlumNet Social Media App with Flutter

    AlumNet Social Media App Wooble is a fully functional social media app with multiple features built with flutter and dart. Alumnet is an app that has been built with Flutter and Dart. It is a network app that has multiple features. Requirements Any Operating System (OS) (ie. MacOS, Linux, Windows) Any Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with Flutter SDK installed (ie. …

  • Locket Clone App built with Flutter

    Locket Clone A new Flutter project. 👨‍💻 Developed by: ## Getting Started Locket Clone is a mobile application that allows users to share their photos and videos with their friends and family. Users can also chat with their friends and family. This application is built using Flutter. Features Zoom in and out of the camera by your fingers Take photos …

  • The Product Details screen in the Slash App mobile application

    Product Screen in Slash App Overview This repository contains the code for the Product Details screen in the Slash App mobile application. The screen is implemented using the Clean Architecture pattern with BLoC for improved code maintainability and reusability, along with a responsive UI. watch a video this video shows all actions in the screen and responsive UI . 😀 …

  • An application that shows realtime updates with Binance API and displays them in candle sticks

    Binance Demo A mobile application built with FLutter framework, that leverages the Binance WebSocket API to retrieve and present real-time updates in the format of candlestick charts, mirroring the functionality found on the Binance platform. Dependencies The following packages are used as dependencies in this project: candlesticks: ^2.1.0 A Flutter library for rendering candlestick charts flutter_svg: ^2.0.9 A Flutter library …

  • A lightweight low-code development tool for Flutter

    Flutter Lowder What Flutter Lowder is a lightweight low-code development tool for Flutter. Using the Lowder Editor, build your app’s model, which this plugin will interpret and execute. How Lowder is composed of an editor and an interpreter, and both work with a model file. The editor is a visual interface where you can create your app’s UI and logic. …

  • Bluesky clone built with Flutter using the bluesky package running on AT protocol

    flutter_bluesky_clone bluesky clone built with Flutter using the bluesky package running on AT protocol The project if not finished This project is not yet complete. We look forward to your contribution. Features The following link has a list of features: Screenshots Welcome Screen Hosting SignUp Screen SignUp Screen HandleNameEntry Screen SignIn Screen SignInForm Screen Home Screen Search Screen Notification …

  • AI Driven Essay Application with Flutter

    ai_driven_essay_application_flutter • AI Based Essay Generator Application Flutter, Dart, ChatGPT API • The power of AI models lies in their ability to effortlessly assist users in generating high-quality essays. • Smart algorithms ensure coherence and relevance in the generated essays. 📷 Previews Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you …